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International Business

A Subject of DU - B.Com, BBA & MBA in Various Universities

₹ 5,000/-
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International Business

A Subject of DU - B.Com, BBA & MBA in various universities

Unit I:
Introduction to International Business: Globalization and its growing importance in the world economy; Impact of Globalization; International business contrasted with domestic businesses –complexities of international business; Modes of entry into International businesses. International Business Environment: Economic, demographic, cultural and political legal environment.
Unit II:
International Trade: Theories of International trade - Absolute advantage theory, Comparative advantage theory, Factory proportion theory and Leontief paradox, Product life cycle theory, National competitive advantage theory; Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers. BOP- Balance of payment account and its components.
Unit III:
Regional Economic Integration: Forms of regional integration; Integration efforts amongst countries in Europe, North America and Asia: EU, NAFTA and SAARC. International Economic Organisations: WTO, World Bank and IMF.
Unit IV:
International Financial Environment: Foreign exchange markets – participants and functioning; spot and forward rate quotations, direct and indirect quote, arbitrage, hedging and speculation; Foreign exchange risk and exposure. Foreign exchange rate: exchange rate determination, types of exchange rate systems - fixed and flexible, currency convertibility, soft peg, crawling peg, free float, managed float.
Unit V:
Foreign Direct Investment: Types of FDI - Greenfield investment, Brownfield investments, Merger & Acquisition, Strategic alliances; Benefits and drawbacks of FDI. Contemporary issues in International Business: IT and outsourcing and its potential for India; environmental sustainability in international business.

References :
1. Bennett, Roger. International Business, Delhi: Pearson
2. Charles, W L Hill and Jain, Arun Kumar, International Business, New Delhi: TataMcGraw Hill


Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (TTS) : 04:30 PM - 5:30 PM


IIMMI, 69, Ground Floor,
Guru Tegh Bahadur Nagr (GTB Nagar),
Near GTB Nagr Metro Station Gate No.1
Near Delhi University (North Campus), Delhi 09

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IIMMI, 69, Ground Floor, Guru Tegh Bahadur Nagar (GTB Nagar), Near GTB Nagar metro Gate no. 1,
Delhi - 110009